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Kitchener free escorts classifieds

gEt SoMe KaNdi - ExPeRiENcEd, AdVeNTuRoUs & FuN - CoMe PlaY

Posted: Wed. Jan. 13 12:05:21 2021

HeY gUyS & gAlS, hApPy NeW yEaRs!

Do U hAvE a SwEeT tOoTh? BeCaUsE iM mOrE aDdiCtIvE tHeN aNy KaNdi YoU"vE eVeR hAd. I'm TaStY & sWeEt WhO nEeDs GuM dRoPs? BeCaUsE ILL MaKe YoUr JaW dRoP. iF u ThInK u CaN HaNdlE tHis SuGaR rUsH tHeN gIVe ThE sWeEtEsT gIrL yOu'Ll EvEr HaVe A cAlL.

Call for Rates & Restrictions

Small 1 Time Deposit Required if your pre-booking (This is to protect my time, because I don't have patience for time wasters & last minute cancellations)

COVID safety measures in place.

Call/Text @ (519) 953-4779

Gender: Female
Height: not set
Hair: not set
Eyes: not set
Bust: not set
Dress: not set
Location: Kitchener