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Nanaimo free escorts classifieds

sexy strong smart seductive and fun! spend christmas with me

Posted: Thu. Jan. 21 09:02:27 2021

 All natural, curvy, intelligent, sexy and fun, party favours and extras. Massage or gf experience available, or maybe you just want a show!

Let me rock your world! I love to please, very open minded and guarantee the time of your life! Xxx.

Please be brief over text,by brief I mean let's get to the point, questions and a picture are ok but I don't wish to sit on the phone texting for four hours for a half hour date Please don't waste my time!I I do not mean to Sound rude or intrusive, however I deal with way too many time-wasting scam texts a day. Maybe a quick video chat to put us both at ease. 
Gender: Female
Height: not set
Hair: not set
Eyes: not set
Bust: not set
Dress: not set
Location: Nanaimo